A young girl aged 15 years had coxa vara and tuberculosis of right hip before 5 years. She had significant limping while walking and shortening of right lower limb. Practically she had absence of right head of femur with arthritic changes.
She underwent right total hip replacement with special type of implant having head and neck modularity. She is absolutely pain free and walking normally.
A female aged 58 years had difficulty in walking because of left hip pain. It was diagnosed as left avascular necrosis o... Continue
A male aged 50 years was operated for left neck femur fracture by screw fixation. He developed AVN. He had great difficu... Continue
A male aged 52 years was suffering from ankylosing spondylitis for more than 30 years. He was hardly able to walk or sta... Continue
A young boy aged 22 years had fall from height before few years. He had injury over right hip. He did not have proper tr... Continue